July 27, 2024


CamSA16-03: Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for February 2016

1 .General Information

Microsoft released Security Bulletin February 2016 which includes the 6 most important point (critical) and 7 points (important).

These vulnerabilities could allow a wide-angle attachment the attacker (attacker) can code or create a denial of service or gain access to your files or system.

2 .Affected Software

– Microsoft Windows Operating System and Components
– Microsoft Office Suites and Software
– Microsoft Office Services and Web Apps

– Microsoft Server Software

3. Executive Summaries

MS16-009: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (3134220) (Critical – Remote Code Execution)

MS16-011: Cumulative Security Update for Microsoft Edge (3134225)  (Critical – Remote Code Execution)

MS16-012: Security Update for Microsoft Windows PDF Library to Address Remote Code Execution (3138938)  (Critical – Remote Code Execution)

MS16-013: Security Update for Windows Journal to Address Remote Code Execution (3134811)  (Critical – Remote Code Execution)

MS16-014: Security Update for Microsoft Windows to Address Remote Code Execution (3134228) (Important – Remote Code Execution)

MS16-015: Security Update for Microsoft Office to Address Remote Code Execution (3134226)  (Critical – Remote Code Execution)

MS16-016: Security Update for WebDAV to Address Elevation of Privilege (3136041) (Important Elevation of Privilege)

MS16-017: Security Update for Remote Desktop Display Driver to Address Elevation of Privilege (3134700) (Important Elevation of Privilege)

MS16-018: Security Update for Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers to Address Elevation of Privilege (3136082) (Important Elevation of Privilege)

MS16-019: Security Update for .NET Framework to Address Denial of Service (3137893) (Important Denial of Service)

MS16-020: Security Update for Active Directory Federation Services to Address Denial of Service (3134222) (Important Denial of Service)

MS16-021: Security Update for NPS RADIUS Server to Address Denial of Service (3133043) (Important Denial of Service)

MS16-022: Security Update for Adobe Flash Player (3135782) (Important Remote Code Execution)

4 .Solutions

Microsoft offers an update (update) for all the weak points in the  February 2016 monthly security bulletin mentioned detail all the issues related to the update. Governor (administrator) need to pay attention to these issues and will be updated as soon as possible. While home users (home users) should use the automatic update.

5 .Reference

– https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/ms16-feb





6 .Contact Information

Electronic Email: office@camcert.gov.kh

Phone: (855) 23 722 391


All information provided here is just a notification without any insurance.

***Disclaimer: CamCERT own some of the content. Our purpose is pure to help spread the awareness, tips or other information related to security to everyone. Even though every information is true, accurate, completed and appropriate, we make no responsibility nor warranty since everything could go wrong.